Planning meals ahead can help you avoid extra holiday stress!
For some of us, the holidays require us to travel or take a road trip in order to be near friends and family. For those with food allergies, this can pose some unwanted stress as the impending travels approach. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re properly prepared for your travel, and your destination.
Here is our list of Holiday Travel tips for those with Food Allergies
1. Plan your meals before you leave home
Decide what foods to prepare beforehand so you can have heat-and-serve or ready-to-eat snacks on the road. Decide what you can buy at your destination or along the way. We recommend keeping fresh veggies on hand with hummus in a cooler. To keep veggies extra fresh, place in a glass container with water and a couple ice cubes!
2. Keep cold foods cold
Bringing a cooler will keep your foods fresh and avoid spoiling
3. Shop locally
Bring less perishable food than you think you need. Many foods, like fresh fruit, are available at any standard grocery store. Bring more non-perishable food than you think you need. Specialty items, such as gluten free snacks or your favorite allergen-free brands, may not available at a regular grocery store.
4. Ship ahead
For foods you know you will need at your destination, consider ordering online or locally. This is especially important for travel by plane.
5. Research the area
If you are traveling a long distance to visit family or friends, it’s important to search the area for grocery or specialty stores that carry the brands you need. You can sometimes order in advance and pick them up upon your arrival.
Happy holidays and safe travels!